Hypnotherapy for confidence in sport is fast becoming an area where I am gaining clients, and the results have been fantastic.
A recent client for performance in golf, said this after just one session! Confidence “The big difference I found was that at no time did I ever feel unconfident when standing over the ball. Which is something that has never happened before. Even when my technique failed me I was able to stay calm and play the next shot without fear. I felt so much more at home on the course. The next step is to go and work on golf technique further on and off the course whilst putting this confidence and skills you have given to their fullest use. I’m a happy bunny”
‘Amazing what hypnotherapy can do!’ said a recent client working on their performance confidence, she went on to say ‘One session of Hypnotherapy for my clients feedback: I’ve just had my ice skating lesson and my coach could see a real difference. I felt so much more confident especially with different turns. ‘
Perhaps it is time to join the growing number of amateurs and professionals that are finding that Hypnotherapy can be a game changer to their confidence and performance in sport.